Prof. Anil Kumar: Swami! We hear the words, rajaniti and rajakiyam. Are these, in fact, one and the same? How should we name what we see around us?

Bhagavan: Rajaniti and rajakiyam can never be the same. Look at Rajayoga. Among the yogas, the one most highly revered which stands king-like is given that name. Similarly, the very greatest among moral codes, equal in status to a king among men, is called rajaniti. The king of animals is the lion, you know. Rajaniti is conjoined with Satya, bound by Dharma, and confers all welfare. What you have today are not rajaniti or rajakiyam political strategies, at all, but rajakayyams – battles royal, born of malice, envy, and hatred. All these are kayyams, bitter fights. Therefore, they are rajakayyams.

Source: ‘Satyopanisad’ by Prof. Anil Kumar Kamaraju

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