Sai Ashtotram
- Aum Sri Bhagawan Sathya Sayi Babaaya Namaha
I Bow to Lord Sathya Sai Baba: Who is Divine Mother and Father
- Aum Sri Sayi Sathya- Swaroopaaya Namaha
Salutations to one who is Embodiment of Truth
- Aum Sri Sayi Sathya- Dharma -Paraayanaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Devoted to Truth and Righteousness
- Aum Sri Sayi Varadaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Giver of Boons
- Aum Sri Sayi Satpurushaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is eternal existing Truth
- Aum Sri Sayi Sathya – Gunaatmane Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of virtues
- Aum Sri Sayi Saadhu – Vardhanaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who spreads goodness all around
- Aum Sri Sayi Saadhujana – Poshanaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who sustains and shelter virtuous persons
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarvajnaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is omniscient
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva -jana – Priyaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is loved by all
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva -Shakti – Moortaye Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of all powers
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarveshaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Lord of all
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva- Sanga- Parityaagine Namaha
Salutations to the one who is without any attachment
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarvaantharyaamine Namaha
The one who checks and regulates feelings of everyone
- Aum Sri Sayi Mahimaatmane Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the Supremist Lord
- Aum Sri Sayi Maheshwara – Swaroopaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the embodiment of Lord Shiva
- Aum Sri Sayi Parthi- Graamodbhavaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is born in Parthi village
- Aum Sri Sayi Parthi -Kshetra- Nivaasine Namaha
Salutations to the one who is resident of Parthi
- Aum Sri Sayi Yashakaaya- Shirdi- Vaasine Namaha
Salutations to the one who was worshipped in the previous Incarnation as the resident of Shirdi
- Aum Sri Sayi Jodi Aadi Palli Somappaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who has taken the form of the female and male aspect (Shiva Shakti), in primeval village.
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhaardwaaja Rishi Gothraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is descendant of Sage Bhaaradwaaja
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhakta- Vatsalaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is affectionate towards devotees
- Aum Sri Sayi Apaantaraatmane Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the in dweller of all beings
- Aum Sri Sayi Avataara- Moortaye Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of Incarnation
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva -Bhaya -Nivaarine Namaha
Salutations to the one who removes all fears
- Aum Sri Sayi Aapastambha Sutraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is born in Sage Aapastambha lineage
- Aum Sri Sayi Abhaya- Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants the quality of fearlessness.
- Aum Sri Sayi Ratnaakara Vamshodbhavaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is born in Ratnakar dynasty
- Aum Sri Sayi Shirdi-Sayi- Abheda Shaktyavataaraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one whose glory is not different from that of Shirdi incarnation
- Aum Sri Sayi Shankaraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Lord Shiva.
- Aum Sri Sai Shirdi Sayi- Moortaye Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Incarnation of Shirdi Sai
- Aum Sri Sayi Dwaarakaamayee- Vaasine Namaha
Salutations to the one who is resident of Dwarakamayi (Name of a mosque in Shirdi)
- Aum Sri Sayi Chitraavatee -Tata -Puttaparthi -Vihaarine Namaha
Salutations to the one who moves about on the bank of the Chitravathi river in Puttaparthi
- Aum Sri Sayi Shakti – Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who bestows strength and vigour
- Aum Sri Sayi Sharanagata Traanaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who saves those who surrender to him
- Aum Sri Sayi Aanandaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is bliss himself.
- Aum Sri Sayi Ananda- Daaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants bliss
- Aum Sri Sayi Aarta- Traana Paraayanaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Saviour of the afflicted
- Aum Sri Sayi Anaatha -Naathaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Lord of destitute
- Aum Sri Sayi Asahaaya- Sahaayaaya Namaha
The one who is Saviour of helpless beings
- Aum Sri Sayi Loka- Baandhavaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is kith and kin to all
- Aum Sri Sayi Lokarakshaa- Paraayanaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is serving and helping all
- Aum Sri Sayi Loka -Naathaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Lord of all
- Aum Sri Sayi Deenajana- Poshanaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who nourishes and sustains the afflicted.
- Aum Sri Sayi Moorthi -Traya- Swaroopaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Trinity: Brahma; Vishnu and Maheshwara
- Aum Sri Sayi Mukti- Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants liberation
- Aum Sri Sayi Kalusha- Vidooraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the remover of defects and faults
- Aum Sri Sayi Karunaakaraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is ocean of compassion.
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva -Aadhaaraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the Supporter of all.
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva- Hridayavaasine Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the in dweller of everyone’s heart.
- Aum Sri Sayi Punya -Phala -Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is Giver of fruits of our merits.
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva- Paapa -Kshya- Karaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is remover of all sins.
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva- Roga- Nivaarine Namaha
Salutations to the one who is remover of all diseases – destroyer of the cycle of birth and death
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva- Baadhaa Haraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is destroyer of all sufferings
- Aum Sri Sayi Ananta- Nuta- Kartrune Namaha
Salutations to the one who is creator and who is praised endlessly
- Aum Sri Sayi Aadi- Purushaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is primeval Lord
- Aum Sri Sayi Aadi -Shaktaye Namaha
Salutations to the one who has infinite power
- Aum Sri Sayi Aparoopa- Shaktine Namaha
Salutations to the one who has delightful and wonderful powers
- Aum Sri Sayi Avyakta Roopine Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the form of the unmanifested.
- Aum Sri Sayi Kaamakrodha- Dhwamsine Namaha
Salutations to the one who destroys desire and anger
- Aum Sri Sayi Kanakaambara – Dhaarine Namaha
Salutations to the one who wears golden coloured robe
- Aum Sri Sayi Adbhuta- Charyaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who does astonishing activities not seen anywhere
- Aum Sri Sayi Aapad- Baandhavaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who helps as a brother in calamity
- Aum Sri Sayi Premaatmane Namaha
Salutations to the one who is love personified.
- Aum Sri Sayi Prema- Moortaye Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of Love
- Aum Sri Sayi Prema -Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants love
- Aum Sri Sayi Priyaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is loved by all
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhakta- Priyaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is loved by Devotees
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhakta- Mandaaraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who confers happiness of Heaven to devotees
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhaktajana- Hridaya- Vihaaraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one whose playground is the heart of devotees
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhaktajana- Hridayaalayaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who dwells in the heart of devotees
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhakta- Paraadheenaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is bound by the devotion of devotees
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhakti -Jnana- Pradeepaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who ignites the light of devotion and spiritual knowledge
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhakti-Jnaana- Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who shows the path of devotion that leads to Jnana(wisdom).
- Aum Sri Sayi Sujanaana- Maargadarshakaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who shows the path of attaining right knowledge
- Aum Sri Sayi Jnaanaswaroopaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of knowledge
- Aum Sri Sayi Geetaa -Bodhakaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is teacher of Gita
- Aum Sri Sayi Jnaana Siddhidaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants achievement of wisdom
- Aum Sri Sayi Sundararoopaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who has a charming form
- Aum Sri Sayi Punya- Purushaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of purity
- Aum Sri Sayi Phala- Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants the fruits of our actions
- Aum Sri Sayi Purushottamaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the supreme person.
- Aum Sri Sayi Puraana- Purushaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the most ancient Supreme person
- Aum Sri Sayi Ateetaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one whose Glory transcends the three Worlds.
- Aum Sri Sayi Kaalaateetaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is beyond time
- Aum Sri Sayi Siddhiroopaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of all accomplishments
- Aum Sri Sayi Siddha- Sankalpaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one whose will is immediately effective.
- Aum Sri Sayi Aarogya- Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants good health.
- Aum Sri Sayi Annavastradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the sustainer of all Beings, by providing food, shelter, and clothing
- Aum Sri Sayi Samsaara Dukha Kshaya Karaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who destroys the suffering of Samsara
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarvaabheeshta Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants all desirable objects.
- Aum Sri Sayi Kalyaanagunaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one whose virtues are beneficial.
- Aum Sri Sayi Karmadhwamsine Namaha
Salutations to the one who destroys the binding force of Karma.
- Aum Sri Sayi Saadhu -Maaanasa- Shobhitaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who shines in the minds of good people.
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarvamata- Sammantaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who represents all faiths
- Aum Sri Sayi Saadhumaaanasa -Parishodhakaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who helps purify the mind of spiritual aspirants
- Aum Sri Sayi Saadhakaanugraha- Vata- Vriksha Pratisthaapakaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who has established the fig tree as a boon to spiritual aspirants
- Aum Sri Sayi Sakala- Samshaya -Haraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who destroys all doubts
- Aum Sri Sayi Sakalatattva- Bodhakaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants essence of all spiritual knowledge
- Aum Sri Sayi Yogeeshwaraaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the Lord of all yogis
- Aum Sri Sayi Yogeendra Vanditaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is revered by Master of Yoga’s
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva -Mangal -Karaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who is the giver of auspiciousness and prosperity
- Aum Sri Sayi Sarva- Siddhi- Pradaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who grants all accomplishments and skills
- Aum Sri Sayi Aapannivaarine Namaha
Salutations to the one who removes calamities
- Aum Sri Sayi Aartiharaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who destroys all bodily and mental distress
- Aum Sri Sayi Shanta- Moortaye Namaha
Salutations to the one who is embodiment of peace
- Aum Sri Sayi Sulabha Prasannaaya Namaha
Salutations to the one who can be easily pleased
- Aum Sri Sayi Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sayi Babaya Namaha
I bow to Lord Sathya Sai Baba: Who is Divine Mother and Father