There was a monk once who as the first two steps in ascetic practice decided on two vows: (1) not to injure any living thing and (2) not to speakRead More
Two young men studying in the same college challenged each other – Who can eat faster than the other, a prescribed number of bananas. They decided upon impartial umpires andRead More
There was a middle-class household in a small town where the wife was daily pleading with the husband to spend some little time in prayer and reverential worship of God;Read More
The last sloka of the Gita says, "Yathra Yogeswarah Krishna Yathra Partho Dhanurdharah, Thathra Sreer Vijayo Bhuthi Dhruva Neethir Mathir Mama," where there is Krishna the supreme Yogi and whereRead More
Consider the significance of the Form that Shiva has assumed for human adoration. In his neck, He has the holocaust-producing poison, Halahala, that can destroy all life in a trice.Read More