There is no escape for man from doing actions (karmas). Wherever he is, man must take extra care to do only good actions. Fleeing to the forest is no solution,Read More
Once the deer in a forest gathered and discussed their own cowardice in the face of the pursuing hounds. They argued, "Why should we, who are equipped with fleeter feetRead More
In a discourse delivered on March 4, 1962, Swami narrated a beautiful, humorous story that went on to explain how the Lord does not let his devotees be humiliated byRead More
A pandit engaged a boat to take him across the flooded Godavari river. When the journey across the river started, he began a conversation with the boatman. He asked theRead More
There was a clown in a palace who always asked questions and was therefore considered to be a nuisance. Unable to tolerate the clown’s inquisitiveness, the king had to putRead More