Sankara knew the real meaning of the Vedic words 'Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava.' ( May your mother be your God , may your father be your God.) OnceRead More
The Krishna whose advent you should celebrate is not the cowherd boy who charmed the village folk with His flute, but the Krishna, the Indefinable, Inscrutable, Divine principle that isRead More
The Gopis had the highest type of Bhakti (Love directed towards God) in their hearts. There was Neeraja, for example. She was warned against Krishna, when she came to BrindavanRead More
Once, Krishna pretended to be suffering from intense and unbearable headache! He acted that role quite realistically. He wound warm cloth around His Head and rolled restlessly in bed. HisRead More
The Lord is all compassion, all grace. Bhishma, the Grandfather of both the clans that were battling for supremacy in the field of Kurukshetra, had led the Kaurava hosts forRead More