Bhagavan: All worldly experiences are bound by time and space. Your senses help you to experience all that is in the outer world. Science and Technology investigate the five elements,Read More
Bhagavan: The Divine exists. Divinity is imperishable, pure and unsullied. It has neither birth nor death. It is eternal and stable. It is beyond time and space. Divinity transcends allRead More
Bhagavan: “Ekam eva Advitiyam Brahma” (God is one without a second) says the scripture. Then, how do we account for the variety, diversity, differences, and so on? A small exampleRead More
Bhagavan: The Bhagavad Gita says, bijam mam sarva bhutanam, which means ‘God is the seed of this entire Creation, of all beings’. For example, you see here a mango seed.Read More