Prof. Anil Kumar: Swami! Can Divinity be probed into? Is it possible to know it by reasoning?

Bhagavan: All worldly experiences are bound by time and space. Your senses help you to experience all that is in the outer world. Science and Technology investigate the five elements, make certain combinations and permutations, and provide certain additional conveniences and comforts for mankind to lead a better life. These include electronic gadgets, computers, and so on.

A scientist conducts an experiment, but a spiritual aspirant’s experiences of Divinity cannot be conducted in a laboratory. How do you expect to convey anything about Divinity, which is beyond expression? How do you imagine Divinity, which is beyond comprehension?

How do you investigate and experiment upon Divinity which transcends all your reasoning and senses? Science is based on experiments, and religion on experience. In science, you analyse; but in religion, you realise.

Source: ‘Satyopanisad’ by Prof. Anil Kumar Kamaraju

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