The Ramayana is a vast ocean. All the wisdom that one needs to be able to steer this life towards the ultimate goal is hidden deep within this vastness. One may choose to sail on the surface and be entranced by the beauty of the story, the intricate nuances of the plot, the variety of characters and the high drama. But if wisdom is what one seeks, dive deep one must. For as it is said, those that desire the pearl must not skirt the ocean but take a deep plunge. What good fortune is ours, that our Beloved Bhagawan Himself plays the role of a guide even in this pursuit. Time and again, He presents us with a few such pearls of wisdom from the Ramayana, enticing us with their exquisite beauty and alluring us to take the plunge ourselves. As we celebrate the sacred festival of Sri Rama Navami, we wish to share with you a few such pearls that Swami presented to us on many occasions in the past. These are a few, (a very few we must say) episodes from the Ramayana, which may appear so simple that their profundity may have been lost on us casual readers or listeners. But Swami, in His infinite compassion draws our attention to the lessons in these episodes. And those that are truly drawn are sure to be transformed, for the lessons are simple, inspiring and reassuring. We hope you enjoy and also benefit from this recollection.